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title: Prairie Souls

A Pictorial View of Prairie Cemeteries

Through my interest in genealogy and my research for information in Ontario, I came upon a web site with photos of graves of my ancestors. What a find. I was hooked. So for the past couple of years I have spent my summers photographing cemeteries and the winter putting the information together. Additional information has come from local history books, census records and from the internet.
As with all information obtained from the internet, I would suggest that it may not all be accurate and you should base your research as such. I have found that information in history books written by family members to sometimes differ from what is on the graves. The memory sometimes may not be so great. But a picture is worth a thousand words.
I have been photographing cemeteries, mostly by counties, in Alberta close to our home. With the odd cemetery from other locations such as where I grew up in Saskatchewan and close to where we live at the moment, near Fort Saskatchewan.
The history of the early settlers to Northeast Alberta is amazing. The stories of their arrival and struggles to build this country would be insurmountable by today's standards; from prairie fires, the great flu of 1918, bouts of scarlet fever, the births and deaths of small children. The world was such a different place near the turn of the century and in some ways a better place; when people needed each other.
The entire site can be searched by county/cemetery (link is at the bottom) or by individual names. When searching for a name, correct spelling is important. If searching for a specific person, enter the full name to narrow down the search results. Please avoid the use of quotation marks unless they are part of the term you are searching for. Enjoy searching our site.

Nelda Burwash
Note: Start by entering the family name.
Entering the full name in quotation marks will search only for this specific file.

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